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Legal Maxims – Words of Foreign Origin – Starting with “A”

Legal Maxims – Words of Foreign Origin – Starting with “A”


There are at least 4-5 questions in CLAT which are related to Legal Maxims. These are generally words of foreign origin and the candidate needs to answer their English meaning. Other law entrance exams like AILET, LSAT, SET, BHU, and others.

Legal Maxims for CLAT and other Law Entrance Exams

Here we are providing an exhaustive list of Legal Maxims or words of foreign origin starting with “A”:


A mensa et thoro – From bed and board.

A vinculo matrimonii – From the bond of matrimony.

Ab extra – From outside.

Ab initio – From the beginning.

Absoluta sententia expositore non indiget – An absolute judgment needs no expositor.

Abundans cautela non nocet – Abundant caution does no harm.

Accessorium non ducit sed sequitur suum principale – An accessory does not draw, but follows its principal.

Accessorius sequitur – One who is an accessory to the crime cannot be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender.

Acta exteriora iudicant interiora secreta – Outward acts indicate the inward intent.

Actio non accrevit infra sex annos – The action has not accrued within six years.

Actio non datur non damnificato – An action is not given to one who is not injured.

Actio personalis moritur cum persona – A personal action dies with the person.

Actiones legis – Law suits.

Actori incumbit onus probandi – The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff.

Actus nemini facit injuriam – The act of the law does no one wrong.

Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea – The act does not make one guilty unless there be a criminal intent.

Actus reus – A guilty deed or act.

Ad ea quae frequentius acciduunt jura adaptantur – The laws are adapted to those cases which occur more frequently.

Ad hoc – For this purpose.

Ad infinitum – Forever, without limit, to infinity.

Ad perpetuam rei memoriam – For a perpetual memorial of the matter.

Ad quaestionem facti non respondent judices; ad quaestionem legis non respondent juratores – The judges do not answer to a question of fact; the jury do not answer to a question of Law.

Aedificare in tuo proprio solo non licet quod alteri noceat – It is not lawful to build on one’s own land what may be injurious to another.

Aequitas legem sequitur – Equity follows the law.

Aequitas nunquam contravenit legem – Equity never contradicts the law.

Alibi – At another place, elsewhere.

Alienatio rei praefertur juri accrescendi – Alienation is preferred by law rather than accumulation.

Aliunde – From elsewhere, or, from a different source

Allegans contraria non est audiendus – One making contradictory statements is not to be heard.

Allegans suam turpitudinem non est audiendus – One alleging his own infamy is not to be heard.

Allegatio contra factum non est admittenda – An allegation contrary to a deed is not to be heard.

Ambiguitas contra stipulatorem est – An ambiguity is most strongly construed against the party using it.

Ambiguitas verborum patens nulla verificatione excluditur – A patent ambiguity is never helped by averment.

Amicus curiae – A friend of the Court.

Angliae jura in omni casu libertati dant favorem – The laws of England are favorable in every case to liberty.

Animo furandi – With an intention of stealing.

Animo testandi – With an intention of making a will.

Annus luctus – The year of mourning.

Ante – Before.

Aqua currit et debet currere, ut currere solebat – Water runs and ought to run.

Arbitrium est judicium – An award is a judgment.

Arbor dum crescit; lignum cum crescere nescit – A tree while it grows, wood when it cannot grow.

Argumentum ab auctoritate fortissimum est in lege – An argument drawn from authority is the strongest in law.

Argumentum ab impossibilii plurimum valet in lege – An argument from impossibility is very strong in law.

Argumentum ad hominem – An argument directed a the person.

Argumentum ad ignoratiam – An argument based upon ignorance (i.e. of one’s adversary).

Arma in armatos sumere jura sinunt – The laws permit the taking up of arms against the armed.

Assentio mentium – The meeting of minds, i.e. mutual assent.

Assignatus utitur jure auctoris – An assignee is clothed with rights of his assignor.

Audi alteram partem – Hear the other side.

Aula regis – The King’s Court.


The above content has been contributed by The Knowledge Tree, the best coaching classes in Patna for CLAT and other law entrance exams.

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CLAT Gurukul is contributing to the Law Entrance Test form a long time and achieved a great rank in terms of Law Entrance Exam Preparation Institutes. Every Competitive exam needs Speed And Accuracy and these are what exactly matters in these kind of exam.



CLAT Gurukul is contributing to the Law Entrance Test form a long time and achieved a great rank in terms of Law Entrance Exam Preparation Institutes. Every Competitive exam needs Speed And Accuracy and these are what exactly matters in these kind of exam.

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